English Books

English Books

Books published by Madina Academy, Dewsbury

  1. A message and two speeches in the UK by Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
  2. Five Objectives of Makatib by Shaykh Abdullah Kapodrawi
  3. Rules Governing Knowledge by Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Nadwi
  4. Azmato Ka Qaafla by Mawlana Abdullah Kapodrawi (Urdu)
  5. The Farewell advice of Shaykh al-Hind Mawlana Mahmud Hasan Deobandi (speech by Dr Mufti Yusuf Shabbir)
  6. The Science of Hadith and status of Sahih al-Bukhari (speech by Dr Mufti Yusuf Shabbir)
  7. Realise Your Potential by Shaykh Abdul Hasan Ali Nadwi
  8. Brief biography of Hadrat Mawlana Ebrahim Nowsarka (Urdu)
  9. Kamalat Ulema Deoband (By Mufti Faruq Mirthi India)
  10. Al-Fadl al-Mubin (Musalsalat) of Shah Waliyullah

Books published by Islamic Academy of Coventry

  1. A Practical Guide to Funeral Rites in Islam (2nd Edition)
  2. Etiquettes of Social Media (2nd Edition)
  3. Male Hygiene Booklet (3rd Edition)
  4. Female Hygiene Booklet (3rd Edition)
  5. Journey of the Quran (1st Edition)
  6. Prayers in Ṣalāh (3rd Edition)
  7. Ṣadaqāt al-Fiṭr and The Sunnah of Eid al-Fiṭr – 4th Edition (2024)
  8. Seerah Part 1 – The Lineage of Rasulullah SAW (I) (2nd Edition)
  9. Seerah Part 2 – The Lineage of Rasulullah SAW (II) (2nd Edition)
  10. Seerah Part 3 – Life before Prophethood (2nd Edition)
  11. Seerah Part 4 – The Early Years of Prophethood (2nd Edition)
  12. Seerah Part 5 – The Trials and Tribulations of the Early Muslims
  13. Seerah Part 6 – The Middle years of the Makkan period
  14. Seerah Part 7 – The Night Journey and Ascension (Updated)
  15. Seerah Part 8 – The Final Years of the Makkan Period
  16. Seerah Part 9 – The Hijrah (I)
  17. Seerah Part 10 – The Hijrah (II)
  18. Seerah Part 11 – The History of Masjid Nabwi
  19. Seerah Part 12 – The Birth of the Islamic Society
  20. Seerah Part 13 – The Commandments Increase
  21. Seerah Part 14 – The Battle of Badr
  22. Seerah Part 15 – The Captives of Badr
  23. Seerah Part 16 – The Early Years in Madinah
  24. Seerah Part 17 – The Battle of Uhud (I)
  25. Seerah Part 18 – The Battle of Uhud (II)
  26. Seerah Part 19 – The Incidents of al-Raji and Bir Maunah
  27. Seerah Part 20 – The Expeditions of the 4th Year and the Incident of Ifk
  28. Seerah Part 21 – The Battle of the Trench
  29. Seerah Part 22 – The Banu Qurayzah
  30. Seerah Part 23 – The Treaty of Hudaybiyah (I)
  31. Seerah Part 24 – The Treaty of Hudaybiyah (II)
  32. Seerah Part 25 – Letters to the Kings
  33. Seerah Part 26 – The Battle of Khaybar
  34. Seerah Part 27 – The Compensatory ‘Umrah
  35. Seerah Part 28 – The Battle of Mu’tah
  36. Seerah Part 29 – The Conquest of Makkah I
  37. Seerah Part 30 – The Conquest of Makkah II
  38. Seerah Part 31 – The Conquest of Makkah III
  39. Seerah Part 32 – The Battles of Hunayn and al-Taif
  40. Seerah Part 33 – The Battle of Tabuk
  41. Seerah Part 34 – The Delegations and The Farewell Hajj
  42. Seerah Part 35 – The Final Illness
  43. Seerah Part 36 – The Final Journey
  44. Testators Asset and Finance Identifier (2nd Edition)
  45. The Islamic Calendar (3rd Edition)
  46. The Prohibition of Alcohol in Islam
  47. The Story of Yusuf AS
  48. Umrah Checklist (3rd Edition)
  49. Hajj Checklist 2nd Edition – (2022 Edition)
  50. Women’s Hajj Companion (4th Edition – 2024)
  51. Hajj and Umrah Travel Advice for Wheelchair Users
  52. The Month of Dhul Hijjah & Hajj of Rasulullah SAW (3rd Edition)
  53. The Wisdom of Hajj
  54. Parting Advice for Pilgrims
  55. University Funding for Muslim Students (2nd Edition Updated)
  56. Advice on Returning to our Masajid (1st Edition)
  57. The Biography of Mufti Shabbir Ahmed (By Shaykh Khalil Kazi)
  58. Mufti Shabbir Saheb – A Scholar for the Ages
  59. Higiene Del Hombre – Male Hygiene Spanish Edition
  60. A Week in Uzbekistan
  61. Forty Hadith on the Acceptance of Prayers

Updated Sīrah Books (These Volumes will replace the Sīrah booklets above once complete)

  1. Sīrah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 1 – The Noble Lineage
  2. Sīrah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 2 – From Birth to Prophethood
  3. Sīrah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 3 – The Trials and Tribulations of the Early Muslims
  4. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 4 – The Night Journey and Ascension
  5. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 5 – The Hijrah
  6. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 6 – The Birth of the Islamic Society
  7. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 7 – The Battle of Badr
  8. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 8 – The Battle of Uhud
  9. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 9 – The Battle of the Trench
  10. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 10 – The Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah
  11. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 11 – The Compensatory ‘Umrah
  12. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 12 – The Conquest of Makkah
  13. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 13 – The Farewell Hajj
  14. Sirah of Muhammad ﷺ Volume 14 – The Final Journey

Books by Mufti Faraz Adam

  1. The Best City in the World
  2. Ṣalawāt Shamā’iliyyah
  3. Zakat Made Easy
  4. Prophetic Finance and Economics
  5. Introduction to Islamic Fintech

Books by Dr Zakariya Goga

  1. Touch of Prophecy
  2. Characteristics of Believers
  3. I Ask You
  4. رضيت بالله ربا