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Using work phone charger for personal phone

Using work phone charger for personal phone

Using work phone charger for personal phone Question If my brother receives two phone chargers…

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Two Ruku in one Rakat

Two Ruku in one Rakat

Two Rukūʿ in one Rakʿat Question An Imam went into Rukūʿ without saying the Takbīr.…

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Purchase of high value cars via two transactions

Purchase of high value cars via two transactions

Purchase of high value cars via two transactions Question I seek advice regarding purchasing high…

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Source of Khalid ibn Madan’s statement on Tuba tree and foetus

Source of Khalid ibn Madan’s statement on Tuba tree and foetus

Source of Khālid ibn Maʿdān’s statement on Ṭūbā tree and foetus Question وقال خالد بن…

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Performing Umrah Tawaf and then Qiran Hajj from Madinah

Performing Umrah Tawaf and then Qiran Hajj from Madinah

Performing ʿUmrah Ṭawāf and then Qirān Ḥajj from Madīnah Question I travelled to Makkah al-Mukarramah…

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Menstruating woman clipping nails and shaving hair

Menstruating woman clipping nails and shaving hair

Menstruating woman clipping nails and shaving hair Question Is it permissible for a lady in…

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Hire Purchase

Hire Purchase

Hire Purchase Question What is the Islamic position on Hire Purchase? For example, a person…

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Elaichi tea in Ihram

Elaichi tea in Ihram

Elaichi tea in Iḥrām Question Is it permissible to drink elaichi (cardamom) tea in Iḥrām?…

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Frequency of Qunut Nazilah

Frequency of Qunut Nazilah

Frequency of Qunūt Nāzilah Question The crisis in Gaza has now been ongoing for four…

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