Widow visiting deceased husband in Masjid complex
In the current pandemic, the arrangement is that Covid-19 bodies are brought to the Masjid mortuary where Ghusl is given by a limited number of trained people and thereafter immediate family members can view the face of the deceased. In this scenario, is it permissible for the widow of the deceased who is in ʿIddat to exit her home to see the deceased for the final time? Please bear in mind the last time the family would have seen the deceased could be up to 3-4 weeks before their demise and this is very difficult psychologically.
(For other Fatwas & articles regarding Coronavirus, click here)
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
It is permissible in the current circumstance for a widow to visit the Masjid complex to view the deceased husband and return home. She must dress appropriately and avoid adorning herself or applying perfume.
قال محمد في الجامع الصغير (ص ٢٣٢): والمتوفى عنها زوجها تخرج ولا تبيت. وقال في الأصل (٤/٤٠٥، طبعة قطر): والمتوفى عنها زوجها تخرج بالنهار لحاجتها، ولا تبيت بغير منزلها ما دامت فى عدتها، انتهى. وللمزيد من المراجع والآثار راجع جوابنا في خروج المعتدة من بيتها للعمل۔
Allah knows best
Yusuf Shabbir
9 Ramadan 1441 / 2 May 2020
Approved by: Mufti Shabbir Ahmad and Mufti Muhammad Tahir