Hadith query: virtue of performing two Rakah before Fajr at home

Hadith query: virtue of performing two Rakah before Fajr at home

Virtue of performing two Rakʿah before Fajr Ṣalāh at home


There is a ḥadīth circulating on social media that if someone performs the two Rakʿah before Fajr Ṣalāh at home, he will benefit from three things: (1) His sustenance will be expanded. (2) Arguments will reduce between him and his family. (3) He will die with Īmān. What is the status of this ḥadīth?


بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم

This narration has been mentioned by the Ḥanafī jurist ʿAllāmah Shurunbulālī (d. 1069/1659) in Marāqī al-Falāḥ (p. 175). The words are as follows:

من صلى ركعتي الفجر في بيته يوسع له في رزقه ويقل المنازع بينه وبين أهل بيته ويختم له بالإيمان

“Whoever performs the two Rakʿah [Sunnah] of Fajr in his house, his sustenance will be expanded for him, conflict will reduce between him and his household, and he will be granted an end with Īmān (faith).”

However, we have been unable to locate this ḥadīth or its chain in the ḥadīth books. In fact, the ḥadīth expert ʿAllāmāh Sakhāwī (d. 902/1497) confirms in al-Ajwibah al-Marḍiyyah (p. 916) that this narration is baseless. He writes:

و[سئلت] عن حدیث: من صلى سنة الفجر في بيته يوسع له في رزقه وتقل المنازعة بينه وبين أهله ويختم له بالإيمان ، فقلت: إنه لا أصل له

“And [I was asked] regarding the narration: Whoever performs the Sunnah of Fajr in his house, his sustenance will be expanded for him, conflict will reduce between him and his family, and he will be granted an end with Īmān (faith), so I said: Verily, there is no basis for it.”

Allah knows best

Yusuf Shabbir

Approved by: Mufti Shabbir Ahmed Sahib

19 Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1438 / 18 December 2016