
The name Harith and dual names

The name Harith and dual names

The name Harith and dual names Question I have read in a ḥadīth which was…

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Rufaydah al-Aslamiyyah the nurse

Rufaydah al-Aslamiyyah the nurse

Rufaydah al-Aslamiyyah the nurse Question Please can you outline any information regarding the female companion…

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Tafsir Ibn al-Mundhir Narration

Tafsir Ibn al-Mundhir Narration

Tafsīr Ibn al-Mundhir Narration Query Question What is the the chain of narration for this…

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Hadith Query: Abu Jurayy al-Tamimi

Hadith Query: Abu Jurayy al-Tamimi

Ḥadīth Query: Abū Jurayy al-Tamīmī Question I recall a ḥadīth wherein a companion states that…

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The name Laiba

The name Laiba

The name Laiba Question I have heard in some speeches about Laiba (Laaiba) and the…

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Sermon during the marriage of Fatimah and Ali

Sermon during the marriage of Fatimah and Ali

Khuṭbah of the Prophet ﷺ during Nikāḥ of Fāṭimah and ʿAlī Question What is the…

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Saying Allah at the time of demise

Saying Allah at the time of demise

Saying Allah at the time of demise Question A brother during his last moments due…

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Rainfall after burial

Rainfall after burial

Rainfall after burial Question Sometimes after the burial of a pious person, there is rainfall…

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Meaning of Laylat al-Qadr

Meaning of Laylat al-Qadr

Meaning of Laylat al-Qadr Question You have translated Laylat al-Qadr as the Night of Power…

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General and specific invites: Muwatta Muhammad query

General and specific invites: Muwatta Muhammad query

General and specific invites: Muwāṭṭaʾ Muḥammad query Question What is the meaning of the following…

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