Islamic Portal

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Asking Allah for physical beauty

Asking Allah for physical beauty

Asking Allah for physical beauty Question Is it permissible to ask Allah Almighty to grant…

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Benefit of eating Ajwah dates daily

Benefit of eating Ajwah dates daily

Benefit of eating ʿAjwah dates daily Question Please outline the benefit of eating seven ʿAjwah…

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Inheritance Dispute

Inheritance Dispute

Inheritance Dispute Question A person passed away and did not leave a will. He had…

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Fines for Madrasah Students

Fines for Madrasah Students

Fines for Madrasah Students Question (1) If a student breaks a rule of the Madrasah…

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Scalp Micro Pigmentation and Hair Transplantation

Scalp Micro Pigmentation and Hair Transplantation

Scalp Micro Pigmentation and Hair Transplantation Question Is Scalp Micro Pigmentation lawful? If someone undertakes…

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Qada of Witr Salah for menstruating woman

Qada of Witr Salah for menstruating woman

Qaḍāʾ of Witr Ṣalāh for menstruating woman Question If a woman starts performing Witr Ṣalāh…

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Can mother give adhan in the ear of newborn?

Can mother give adhan in the ear of newborn?

Can mother give adhān in the ear of newborn? Question Can the mother give adhān…

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Ibn Mardawayh Narration query

Ibn Mardawayh Narration query

Ibn Mardawayh Narration query Question How can I locate the chain of narration of this…

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Hafiz Dhahabis Hadith al-musalsal bi al-awwaliyyah

Hafiz Dhahabis Hadith al-musalsal bi al-awwaliyyah

Ḥāfiẓ Ḍhahabī’s isnād for al-ḥadīth al-musalsal bi al-awwaliyyah Question Are you aware of Ḥāfiẓ Dhahabī’s…

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House Insurance

House Insurance

House Insurance Question In the UK, house insurance for freehold property owners is not mandatory.…

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