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Saying Takbir when ascending and Tasbih when descending stairs

Saying Takbir when ascending and Tasbih when descending stairs

Saying Takbīr when ascending and Tasbīḥ when descending stairs Question Is it Sunnah to say…

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Zakat on house purchased for resale then leased

Zakat on house purchased for resale then leased

Zakat on house purchased for resale then leased Question Further to your answer entitled Zakat…

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Nasb al-Rayah editions

Nasb al-Rayah editions

Naṣb al-Rāyah editions Question Which is the best and most correct edition of Naṣb al-Rāyah?…

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Prophetic lineage to Prophet Adam

Prophetic lineage to Prophet Adam

Prophetic lineage to Prophet Adam Question Some speakers mention the full lineage from our beloved…

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Will Prophet Musa’s neighbour in Jannah be a meat butcher?

Will Prophet Musa’s neighbour in Jannah be a meat butcher?

Will Prophet Mūsā’s neighbour in Jannah be a meat butcher? Question There is a story…

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Entered Ihram after Miqat and performed Umrah

Entered Ihram after Miqat and performed Umrah

Entered Iḥrām after Mīqāt and performed ʿUmrah Question A person travelled from the UK to…

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Displeasure of Prophet (peace be upon him) narration

Displeasure of Prophet (peace be upon him) narration

Displeasure of Prophet (peace be upon him) narration Question What is the source of the…

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Virtue of reading Marhaban supplication after adhan

Virtue of reading Marhaban supplication after adhan

Virtue of reading Marḥaban supplication after adhān Question Is it true that if someone reads…

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Workplace Medical Insurance

Workplace Medical Insurance

Workplace Medical Insurance Question If your workplace allows you to sign up for private healthcare…

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Lecture on al-Inayah fi Tahqiq al-Ahadith al-Gharibah fi al-Hidayah

Lecture on al-Inayah fi Tahqiq al-Ahadith al-Gharibah fi al-Hidayah

Lecture on Al-ʿInāyah fī Taḥqīq al-Aḥādīth al-Gharībah fī al-Hidāyah In the name of Allah, The…

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