Is it desirable for a wife to address her husband with his name? This is a common question.
السراج الوھاج في نداء الأزواج: التحقیق الأنیق في نداء النساء أزواجھن بمجرد أسمائھم وكيف كانت النساء ینادین ویذكرن أزواجھن في العھد النبوي وما بعده
تألیف يوسف شبير احمد عفي عنه
To download or read the document, click on the following link: Is it desirable for a wife to address the husband with his name (updated)
Note: This treatise has been revised and fully translated into Arabic, and published by Ismaeel Books. Click on this link to purchase a copy.
Update: “Our grandmothers had so much respect for their husbands that they would not address them with their name, as has become the norm nowadays.” (Shaykh Yusuf Motala Sahib, UK)