Wife’s right over her earnings and husband’s demands
Can a husband demand his wife’s earnings? Can he control where or who she gives her earnings to? Does she have the right to give her earnings to whomever she wishes, for example, her children?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
The wife’s earnings belong to her and she can give it to whomever she wishes. The husband cannot control what she does with her earnings or demand a share.
However, it is highly recommended that the husband and wife manage their financial affairs with mutual consultation and in this regard the wife should consider the husband’s advice.
It is worth noting that Islam gave women the right to own wealth including property more than 1400 years ago.
قال الله تعالى: وآتوا النساء صدقاتهن نحلة، فإن طبن لكم عن شيء منه نفسا فكلوه هنيئا مريئا. قال الجصاص في أحكام القرآن (٢/٧٣): قال قتادة في هذه الآية: ما طابت به نفسها من غير كره فهو حلال، انتهى. وأسنده ابن جرير الطبري في تفسيره (٧/٥٥٦) ولفظه: ما طابت به نفسا في غير كره أو هوان فقد أحل الله لك ذلك أن تأكله هنيئا مريئا۔
Allah knows best
Yusuf Shabbir
12 Muḥarram 1442 / 31 August 2020
Approved by: Mufti Shabbir Ahmed and Mufti Muhammad Tahir
Serving the husband and his family and vice-versa