1500 rewards for Sajdah in Ramadan
Is the ḥadīth which mentions that there are 1500 rewards for Sajdah in the month of Ramadan authentic?
بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم
This ḥadīth is not authentic as it is transmitted by a narrator who is repudiated and accused of forging narrations. Further details are outlined in our earlier answer entitled: “Do seventy thousand angels seek forgiveness for fasting person?”.
As for the reward of Sajdah in the month of Ramadan, we have not come across any specific ḥadīth in this regard. The default position is that the reward of every deed is multiplied tenfold, and Allah Almighty increases the reward for whomever He wishes.
Allah knows best
Yusuf Shabbir
22 Ramadan 1442 / 4 May 2021
Approved by: Mufti Shabbir Ahmed
Explanation of a narration in Sahih Ibn Hibban