The following are some of the publications, discourses and writings of Muhaddith al-Asr Shaykh al-Hadith Mawlana Muhammad Yunus Jownpuri. This page will be updated regularly. Some of the articles feature English translations. Click on the titles to read or download.
For articles and books regarding Shaykh in Arabic, English and Urdu, click here.
- Advice of Shaykh Yunus Jownpuri (Compiled by Mufti Muhammad Zayd Mazahiri Nadwi)
- Brief Biography of Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Zakariyya (By Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Yunus Jownpuri Sahib) (Arabic)
- Introduction to al-Yawaqit and other books of Shaykh Yunus (By Shaykh Ayyub Surti)
- Introduction to Shaykh Yunus Jownpuris notes on Sahih Muslim and his other works
- Malfoozat (Urdu) of Muhaddith al-Asr Shaykh Muhammad Yunus Jownpuri
- Malfoozat of Shaykh Yunus with brief biography (By Mawlana Jabir Kharod)
- Mawlana M Mazhar Nanotwi from Mawlana Mamlook in the Sanad of Shaykh Yunus (By Mawlana Muhammad ibn Hanif Manchester)
- Discourses of Muhaddithul Asr Shaykh Muhammad Yunus Jownpuri (Arabic and English)
- Ḥadīth regarding the family of the bride feeding people (English)
- Kutub Fazaail Par Ishakalat Key Jawabat
- Mishkat al-Masabih Urdu Lectures
- Shaykh Muhammad Yunus Jownpuris critique of some common unauthentic narrations (Urdu)
- Shaykh Yunus Jownpuri Asaneed (from al-Yawaqit al-Ghaliyah)
- Shaykh Yunus Jownpuri Isnad by Mawlana Muhammad Seth
- Shaykh Yunus Sahib view on Ibn Arabi by Abdul Ahad
- Shaykh Yunus Sahib key Ilmi wa Islahi Irshadat (Urdu book by Mufti Zayd Mazahiri)
- Nawadirul Fiqh
- Nawadirul Hadith
- The Fast and Virtues of 15 Shaban from Al Yawaqeet Al Ghaliyah (By Shaykhul Hadith Moulana Muhammad Yunus Jownpuri Sahib)
- The length of the Kurtā (Qamīṣ) of the Prophet ﷺ (English)
- The Ruling on the fast of 15 Shaʿbān (English)
- ʿUmrah from Tanʿīm is not an innovation (English)
- Urdu Commentary of Kitab al-Tawhid of Sahih Bukhari by Shaykh Yunus Sahib
- Valuable advice for graduating students (English)
- Virtue of spending on one’s family on 10 Muharram (Muhaddithul Asr Shaykh Yunus Jownpuri Sahib)
Ten differences between the Arabic and Urdu Sahih Bukhari commentaries of Shaykh Muhammad Yunus Jownpuri