Family & Children

Breastfeeding Period

Breastfeeding Period

Breastfeeding Period Question Please could you confirm that the maximum breastfeeding period is 2 lunar…

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Sending children to Catholic Schools

Sending children to Catholic Schools

Sending children to Catholic Schools Question My question is regarding sending our child to a…

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What should a baby be taught to say first?

What should a baby be taught to say first?

What should a baby be taught to say first? Question What should a baby be…

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Can mother give adhan in the ear of newborn?

Can mother give adhan in the ear of newborn?

Can mother give adhān in the ear of newborn? Question Can the mother give adhān…

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The name Harith and dual names

The name Harith and dual names

The name Harith and dual names Question I have read in a ḥadīth which was…

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Wahhab as name or surname

Wahhab as name or surname

Wahhāb as name or surname Question Is it permissible to have Wahhāb as a surname?…

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The name Laiba

The name Laiba

The name Laiba Question I have heard in some speeches about Laiba (Laaiba) and the…

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Rattles for babies

Rattles for babies

Rattles for babies Question Is it permissible to give babies and small children rattles to…

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Abortion due to low iron and blood disorder

Abortion due to low iron and blood disorder

Abortion due to low iron and blood disorder Question If a pregnant woman has low…

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Abortion if baby’s or mother’s life at risk

Abortion if baby’s or mother’s life at risk

Abortion if baby’s or mother’s life at risk Question (1) If a woman is pregnant…

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