Family & Children

The name Ahmad

The name Ahmad

The name Ahmad Question Can the name Aḥmad be kept? I have heard from somebody…

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Duaa during Tahnik

Duaa during Tahnik

Duʿāʾ during Taḥnīk Question What verses or duʿāʾs should one read when chewing dates for…

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Yusayrah or Yusriyah

Yusayrah or Yusriyah

Yusayrah or Yusriyah Question What is the spelling of the name of the female companion,…

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Naming a baby Abdul Muttalib

Naming a baby Abdul Muttalib

Naming a baby ʿAbdul Muṭṭalib Question Can a new-born baby be named ʿAbd al-Muṭṭalib? بسم…

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Adhan, Iqamah and Tahnik for newborn during Covid-19

Adhan, Iqamah and Tahnik for newborn during Covid-19

Adhān, Iqāmah and Taḥnīk for newborn during Covid-19 Question Can Adhān and Iqāmah be given…

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Timing of cutting baby’s hair

Timing of cutting baby’s hair

Timing of cutting baby’s hair Question My sister-in-law had her child last week but due…

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Wife’s right over her earnings and husband’s demands

Wife’s right over her earnings and husband’s demands

Wife’s right over her earnings and husband’s demands Question Can a husband demand his wife’s…

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Nafaqah for young siblings

Nafaqah for young siblings

Nafaqah for young siblings Question We are three brothers and three sisters. Our parents passed…

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Aqiqah for fetus

Aqiqah for fetus

ʿAqīqah for fetus Question If a woman gives birth to a foetus 5-month gestation and…

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Ascertaining baby’s gender

Ascertaining baby’s gender

Ascertaining baby’s gender Question My wife is pregnant and we are considering whether we should…

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