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Pearls of Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (2019)

Pearls of Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (2019)

Pearls of Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani (2019) بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Whilst travelling with Shaykh…

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Smuggling Tobacco

Smuggling Tobacco

Smuggling Tobacco Question What is is the Islamic ruling on purchasing tobacco products over the…

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Visit to Greece and Hungary with Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani

Visit to Greece and Hungary with Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani

Visit to Greece and Hungary with Shaykh al-Islam Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani By Yusuf Shabbir…

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The name Harith and dual names

The name Harith and dual names

The name Harith and dual names Question I have read in a ḥadīth which was…

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Fun Day Activities and Prizes

Fun Day Activities and Prizes

Fun Day Activities and Prizes Question For the charity fun day, the following activities are planned:…

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Is Sushi Halal?

Is Sushi Halal?

Is Sushi Halal? Question Is it permissible to consume Sushi? بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Answer…

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Rufaydah al-Aslamiyyah the nurse

Rufaydah al-Aslamiyyah the nurse

Rufaydah al-Aslamiyyah the nurse Question Please can you outline any information regarding the female companion…

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Does sleep of mazoor break ablution?

Does sleep of mazoor break ablution?

Does sleep of maʿdhūr break ablution? Question If a person is maʿdhūr (excused) due to…

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Annual Fee for Credit Cards

Annual Fee for Credit Cards

Annual Fee for Credit Cards Question Is it permissible to pay an annual fee for…

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Tafsir Ibn al-Mundhir Narration

Tafsir Ibn al-Mundhir Narration

Tafsīr Ibn al-Mundhir Narration Query Question What is the the chain of narration for this…

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