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Duaa for someone living with an abusive family member

Duaa for someone living with an abusive family member

Duʿaʾ for someone living with an abusive family member Question Are there any supplications in…

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Hadith regarding milk being feared upon the Ummah

Hadith regarding milk being feared upon the Ummah

Ḥadīth regarding milk being feared upon the Ummah Question حدثنا حسن بن موسى قال: حدثنا…

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Wasiyyah if unable to perform obligatory Hajj

Wasiyyah if unable to perform obligatory Hajj

Waṣiyyah if unable to perform obligatory Hajj Question This year, it is not possible for…

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Obituary for Mufti Taha Karaan (Rahimahullah)

Obituary for Mufti Taha Karaan (Rahimahullah)

Obituary for Mufti Taha Karaan (Rahimahullah) By Dr Kallingal Riyad بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم الحمد…

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1500 rewards for Sajdah in Ramadan

1500 rewards for Sajdah in Ramadan

1500 rewards for Sajdah in Ramadan Question Is the ḥadīth which mentions that there are…

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Demise of Shaykh Muhammad Taha Karaan: a great loss for the Ummah

Demise of Shaykh Muhammad Taha Karaan: a great loss for the Ummah

Demise of Shaykh Muhammad Taha Karaan: a great loss for the Ummah بسم الله الرحمن…

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Solar eclipse in the UK on Thursday 10 June 2021

Solar eclipse in the UK on Thursday 10 June 2021

Solar eclipse in the UK on Thursday 10 June 2021 Question According to media reports,…

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Fidyah Overview

Fidyah Overview

Fidyah Overview Question Please explain what is Fidyah, why is it given, what is it…

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Various Kaffaras

Various Kaffaras

Various Kaffāras Question If someone deliberately breaks their Ramadan fast necessitating Qaḍāʾ and Kaffārah, what…

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Gold watch for men

Gold watch for men

Gold watch for men Question I want to purchase a watch for my husband which…

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