تحذير الأمة عن سم النميمة ، تأليف يوسف شبير أحمد البريطاني
Warning the Ummah of the poison of tale-bearing (Namīmah)
This Arabic treatise is a collection of ḥadīths and statements of scholars regarding Namīmah (tale-bearing). The treatise includes the following:
- 40 ḥadīths regarding Namīmah.
- Statements of more than 20 scholars regarding Namīmah.
- Qurʾānic verses regarding Namīmah and its definition.
- The interconnectedness of Namīmah and Ghībah (backbiting) and the difference between the two.
- The harms of Namīmah and the six actions prescribed by scholars when someone undertakes Namīmah in your presence.
- Is Namīmah a major or minor sin and how should a person recompense for this sin?
To read or download, click on the following link: Warning the Ummah of the poison of tale-bearing (Namimah)
A glimpse into the book: Al-Iqd al-Thamin fi Hubb al-Nabi al-Amin Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam