
Delaying a burial due to Coronavirus

Delaying a burial due to Coronavirus

Delaying a burial due to Coronavirus Question Is it permissible to delay a funeral of…

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Coronavirus deaths and ruling on Ghusl

Coronavirus deaths and ruling on Ghusl

Coronavirus deaths and ruling on Ghusl Question According to the current UK government guidelines, the…

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Coronavirus: Should Jumuah Salah be cancelled?

Coronavirus: Should Jumuah Salah be cancelled?

Coronavirus: Should Jumuʿah Ṣalāh be cancelled? Question In light of the increase in Coronavirus across…

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Location of the soul in the body

Location of the soul in the body

Location of the soul (rūḥ) in the body Question Where in our bodies does the…

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Inheritance Fatwa

Inheritance Fatwa

Inheritance Fatwa Question My mother passed away leaving behind her husband, 1 son and 4…

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Coronavirus and Ihram

Coronavirus and Ihram

Is Iḥrām necessary if entry to Makkah is uncertain due to Coronavirus? We are currently…

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Coronavirus and Umrah: two scenarios

Coronavirus and Umrah: two scenarios

Coronavirus and ʿUmrah: two scenarios We arrived in Makkah in the state of iḥrām for…

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Coronavirus Advice

Coronavirus Advice

Coronavirus Advice 10 Questions regarding Coronavirus In light of the spread of Coronavirus, what is…

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Change of residence after marriage and Qasr

Change of residence after marriage and Qasr

Change of residence after marriage and Qaṣr Question I got married and moved from London…

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Five things Imam Abu Hanifah learnt from a barber

Five things Imam Abu Hanifah learnt from a barber

Five things Imam Abu Hanifah learnt from a barber Question What is the authenticity of…

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