Halal and Haram

Females cutting hair

Females cutting hair

Females cutting hair Question What is the Islamic ruling on women cutting their hair? Some…

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No alternative Halal medicine on the NHS

No alternative Halal medicine on the NHS

No alternative Halal medicine on the NHS Question Sometimes patients get prescribed Ḥarām medicine on…

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HPV (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine)

HPV (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine)

HPV (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine) Question Is the HPV (Human Papillomavirus Vaccine) Halal or Haram? بسم…

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Compensation for drunk driver killing to drop charges

Compensation for drunk driver killing to drop charges

Compensation for drunk driver killing to drop charges Question One of our relatives passed away…

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Can man give CPR to female?

Can man give CPR to female?

Can man give CPR to female? Question Is a man allowed to give CPR to…

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Uber Eats Driver

Uber Eats Driver

Uber Eats Driver Question I am an Uber Eats driver and sometimes the delivery may…

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Are Strepsils Halal?

Are Strepsils Halal?

Are Strepsils Halal? Question Strepsils contain Dichlorobenzyl alcohol. Are they Halal? بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم…

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Gold watch for men

Gold watch for men

Gold watch for men Question I want to purchase a watch for my husband which…

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Can interest money be used for income or corporation tax

Can interest money be used for income or corporation tax

Can interest money be used for income or corporation tax Question If a person has…

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Donating hair to make wigs for cancer patients

Donating hair to make wigs for cancer patients

Donating hair to make wigs for cancer patients Question Is it permissible to cut and…

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