Islamic Portal

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Fasting for pregnant woman

Fasting for pregnant woman

Fasting for pregnant woman Question I am in my early pregnancy. Have had a few…

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Inheritance distribution for brother’s daughters and sister’s children

Inheritance distribution for brother’s daughters and sister’s children

Inheritance distribution for brother’s daughters and sister’s children Question A deceased left behind a wife,…

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Different rules for Prophets are part of Shariah

Different rules for Prophets are part of Shariah

Different rules for Prophets are part of Shariah Question If the Prophets were bound by…

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Asthma inhaler whilst fasting

Asthma inhaler whilst fasting

Asthma inhaler whilst fasting Question Is it permissible to use an asthma inhaler while fasting?…

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Timing of cutting baby’s hair

Timing of cutting baby’s hair

Timing of cutting baby’s hair Question My sister-in-law had her child last week but due…

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Urinating standing in a train

Urinating standing in a train

Urinating standing in a train Question I was on a train recently and the toilet…

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Is it mustahab to eat dates in Suhur?

Is it mustahab to eat dates in Suhur?

Is it mustaḥab to eat dates in Suḥūr? Question Is it mustaḥab (desirable) to eat…

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Zakat on investment properties

Zakat on investment properties

Zakat on investment properties Question (1) Is there Zakat on properties bought with the intention…

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Surah Ikhlas 200 times or one Juz Quran

Surah Ikhlas 200 times or one Juz Quran

Sūrah Ikhlās 200 times or one Juz Quran Question Is it better for a person…

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Planting shrubs and twigs on graves

Planting shrubs and twigs on graves

Planting shrubs and twigs on graves Question Is it permissible to plant trees or shrubs…

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