Islamic Portal

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Can charity be given from mentally ill person’s wealth and can it be invested?

Can charity be given from mentally ill person’s wealth and can it be invested?

Can charity be given from mentally ill person’s wealth and can it be invested? Question…

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Transferring donations via goods and selling them

Transferring donations via goods and selling them

Transferring donations via goods and selling them Question As a charity, we sometimes encounter difficulty…

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Does son who becomes Christian after Muslim father’s demise inherit?

Does son who becomes Christian after Muslim father’s demise inherit?

Does son who becomes Christian after Muslim father’s demise inherit? Question A person was a…

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Bleeding during pregnancy and after miscarriage

Bleeding during pregnancy and after miscarriage

Bleeding during pregnancy and after miscarriage Question (1) I am currently 8 weeks pregnant and…

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Is Chocolate Liquor Halal?

Is Chocolate Liquor Halal?

Is Chocolate Liquor Halal? Question Many chocolates contain ‘Chocolate Liquor’, is this Halal? بسم الله…

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Footwear in Ihram

Footwear in Ihram

Footwear in Iḥrām Question Zayd has difficulty wearing flip-flops in Ihram due to bruising between…

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Hadith query on homosexuality

Hadith query on homosexuality

Ḥadīth query on homosexuality Question What is the status of the following narration? إذا استغنى…

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Do Covid-19 vaccines nullify the fast?

Do Covid-19 vaccines nullify the fast?

Do Covid-19 vaccines nullify the fast? Question Do Covid-19 vaccines nullify the fast? (For Q&As,…

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Sacrifice of animals to avert calamities

Sacrifice of animals to avert calamities

Sacrifice of animals to avert calamities Question It is common within our communities that when…

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Adhan, Iqamah and Tahnik for newborn during Covid-19

Adhan, Iqamah and Tahnik for newborn during Covid-19

Adhān, Iqāmah and Taḥnīk for newborn during Covid-19 Question Can Adhān and Iqāmah be given…

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