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Do Sajdah Sahw rules apply in Nafl Salah?

Do Sajdah Sahw rules apply in Nafl Salah?

Do Sajdah Sahw rules apply in Nafl Ṣalāh? Question If someone makes a mistake in…

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UK Hajj Tour Operators must provide full refunds

UK Hajj Tour Operators must provide full refunds

UK Hajj Tour Operators must provide full refunds Question Many people in the UK paid…

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Hadith: Believer’s wish for the entire year to be Ramadan

Hadith: Believer’s wish for the entire year to be Ramadan

Ḥadīth: Believer’s wish for the entire year to be Ramadan Question What is the authenticity…

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Performing Witr Salah behind a non-Hanafi

Performing Witr Salah behind a non-Hanafi

Performing Witr Ṣalāh behind a non-Ḥanafī Question I perform Ṣalāh in a Masjid where the…

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Return to Malawi

Return to Malawi

Return to Malawi In the Name of Allah, the Merciful, the Beneficent Introduction In March…

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Nizam al-Mulk keeping Madrasah Nizamiyyah open due to Imam Ghazali

Nizam al-Mulk keeping Madrasah Nizamiyyah open due to Imam Ghazali

Nizam al-Mulk keeping Madrasah Nizamiyyah open due to Imam Ghazali Question Mawlānā Ashraf ʿAlī Thānawī…

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Book Foreword: A Biography of Hadrat Mawlana Hashim Patel Sahib

Book Foreword: A Biography of Hadrat Mawlana Hashim Patel Sahib

Book Foreword: A Biography of Barakat al-ʿAṣr Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā Hashim Patel Ṣāḥib In the name…

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Farewell Duaa for last Friday of Ramadan

Farewell Duaa for last Friday of Ramadan

Farewell Duʿāʾ for last Friday of Ramadan Question What is the authenticity of the following…

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Islamic Mortgages

Islamic Mortgages

Islamic Mortgages Question What is the correct position in relation to Islamic mortgages to purchase…

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