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The Unsung Hero: Mawlana Ali Mayat Rahimahullah

The Unsung Hero: Mawlana Ali Mayat Rahimahullah

The Unsung Hero: Mawlānā Ali Mayat Raḥimahullāh (1374/1954 – 1444/2022) بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم Yesterday…

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Marriage one week after grandfather’s demise

Marriage one week after grandfather’s demise

Marriage one week after grandfather’s demise Question My father passed away a few days ago…

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A Memorable Week with Mufti Radaul Haq in the UK and Barbados

A Memorable Week with Mufti Radaul Haq in the UK and Barbados

A Memorable Week with Shaykh al-Ḥadīth Mufti Raḍāul Ḥaq in the UK and Barbados In…

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Changing Ihram of Ifrad to Qiran

Changing Ihram of Ifrad to Qiran

Changing Iḥrām of Ifrād to Qirān Question We have passed Dhū al-Ḥulayfah an hour ago…

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Performing second Eid Salah with intention of Nafl Salah

Performing second Eid Salah with intention of Nafl Salah

Performing second Eid Ṣalāh with intention of Nafl Ṣalāh Question Many Masjids in the UK…

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Quran Tracing (13 line)

Quran Tracing (13 line)

Quran tracing is an ideal way to engage children with the Quran. It can assist…

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Hajj became necessary but unable to go then cannot afford Hajj following year

Hajj became necessary but unable to go then cannot afford Hajj following year

Hajj became necessary but unable to go then cannot afford Hajj following year Question There…

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Funding non-Muslim burial costs

Funding non-Muslim burial costs

Funding non-Muslim burial costs Question A very close associate of mine who is non-Muslim has…

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Qurbani before Ramy under new system

Qurbani before Ramy under new system

Qurbānī before Ramy under new system Question I am a London resident and currently performing…

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Hadith query: Should I abandon the Sunnah of my beloved due to these fools?

Hadith query: Should I abandon the Sunnah of my beloved due to these fools?

Ḥadīth query: Should I abandon the Sunnah of my beloved due to these fools? Question…

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