Profile of Mufti Shabbir Ahmed

Profile of Mufti Shabbir Ahmed

Articles and Profiles

  1. The following is a brief profile of Shaykhul Hadith Mufti Shabbir Ahmed in Arabic and English which was penned by Mufti Yusuf Shabbir at the request of Muslim Welfare Institute for the scholars of Albania and the Balkans.  To read or download, click on the following link: Brief profile of Mufti Shabbir Ahmed in Arabic and English
  2. The following is an article written in English by Shaykh Ebrahim Noor of Coventry: Muftī Shabbir Ṣāḥib – A Scholar for the Ages
  3. The following is the translation of Shaykh Ebrahim Noor’s article into Spanish by Ajmal ibn Mawlana Afzal Patel: Muftī Shabbir Ṣāḥib – Un erudito para los siglos (ORIGINAL)
  4. The following is a link which provides an overview of Maktubat-e-Mashayikh along with reviews of the book in English and Urdu: Maktūbāt-e-Mashāyikh [New Book Release]
  5. The following is a collection of short articles written by Shaykh Hanif Dudhwala regarding Mufti Shabbir Ahmed Sahib: My Teacher – My Friend
  6. The following is a profile of Mufti Shabbir Ahmad in Urdu authored by Shaykh Khalil Ahmed Kazi and published in Maktubat-e-Mashayikh: The biography of Mufti Shabbir Ahmad in Urdu (By Shaykh Khalil Ahmad Kazi)
  7. The following is a profile of Mufti Shabbir Ahmad, written originally in Urdu by Shaykh Khalil Ahmed Kazi and translated by Shaykh Ebrahim Noor: The Biography of Mufti Shabbir Ahmed (By Shaykh Khalil Kazi)
  8. The following is a profile of Mufti Shabbir Ahmad, written originally in Urdu by Shaykh Khalil Ahmed Kazi and translated into Spanish by Ajmal ibn Mawlana Afzal Patel of Panama: La biografía de Muftī Shabbir Ahmed Patel Ṣāḥib (OFICIAL)
  9. The following is a Foreword to Mufti Shabbir Ahmad’s published lessons on Sunan al-Tirmidhi, written by Dr Mufti Abdurrahman Mangera: Foreword to Sunan Tirmidhi by Mufti Abdurrahman Mangera
  10. The following is a profile of Mufti Shabbir Ahmad as published in Mujam al-Shuyukh by Mufti Hifzurrahman Kumillaee of Bangladesh: Profile of Mufti Shabbir Ahmad UK in Mujam al-Shuyukh by Mufti Hifzurrahman Kumillaee
  11. The following is a link to the Maktubat-e-Mashayikh book featuring the letters in Urdu written by various luminaries to Mufti Shabbir Ahmad: Maktubat Mashayikh (Letters of elders to Mufti Shabbir Ahmad) second edition


For the Asanid of Mufti Shabbir Ahmed Sahib, click on the following links:

  1. Tirmidhi Isnad of Mufti Shabbir Ahmad in English by Dr Mansur Ali
  2. Ijazat Hadith Mufti Shabbir Ahmed
  3. Hadith Mufti Shabbir Ahmed – Shamaail