
The name Laiba

The name Laiba

The name Laiba Question I have heard in some speeches about Laiba (Laaiba) and the…

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Sermon during the marriage of Fatimah and Ali

Sermon during the marriage of Fatimah and Ali

Khuṭbah of the Prophet ﷺ during Nikāḥ of Fāṭimah and ʿAlī Question What is the…

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Durud equivalent to 10,000 durud

Durud equivalent to 10,000 durud

Durūd equivalent to 10,000 durūd Question What is the authenticity of the following and can…

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Miscarried foetus pleading with Allah for parents

Miscarried foetus pleading with Allah for parents

Miscarried foetus pleading with Allah for parents Question Is there a ḥadīth that a miscarried…

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Do 70000 angels seek forgiveness for fasting person?

Do 70000 angels seek forgiveness for fasting person?

Do seventy thousand angels seek forgiveness for fasting person? Question Can this narration be shared:…

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Salt before and after food

Salt before and after food

Salt before and after food Question Is it Sunnah to eat salt before and after…

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Hadith about last Friday of Ramadan and Qada Salah

Hadith about last Friday of Ramadan and Qada Salah

Ḥadīth about last Friday of Ramaḍān and Qadāʾ Ṣalāh Question Is it true that if…

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Did Umar bury his daughter alive?

Did Umar bury his daughter alive?

Did ʿUmar bury his daughter alive? Question Is the report about ʿUmar (may Allah be…

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Hadith regarding honey, plate and hair

Hadith regarding honey, plate and hair

Ḥadīth regarding honey, plate and hair Question Is the following narration authentic? Rasūlullāh ﷺ with…

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Did the Prophet perform his Aqiqah?

Did the Prophet perform his Aqiqah?

Did the Prophet ﷺ perform his ʿAqīqah after becoming a Prophet? Question How authentic is…

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