
Inheritance Questions

Inheritance Questions

Inheritance Questions Question 1) A man passed away and is survived only by his wife,…

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Inheritance calculation

Inheritance calculation

Inheritance calculation Question If a deceased left behind a wife, two daughters and five sons,…

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Inheritance shares

Inheritance shares

Inheritance shares Question If a deceased leaves behind a wife and a full brother, how…

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Inheritance case and house ownership

Inheritance case and house ownership

Inheritance case and house ownership Question We are 8 siblings (5 Brothers and 3 Sisters).…

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Selling asset in marad al-wafat at reduced price

Selling asset in marad al-wafat at reduced price

Selling asset in maraḍ al-wafāt at reduced price Question If a person in maraḍ al-wafāt…

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Will woman in iddat inherit if husband dies before she takes bath after blood stopping?

Will woman in iddat inherit if husband dies before she takes bath after blood stopping?

Will woman in ʿiddat inherit if husband dies before she takes bath after blood stopping?…

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Inheritance Dispute

Inheritance Dispute

Inheritance Dispute Question A person passed away and did not leave a will. He had…

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Dispute in inheritance

Dispute in inheritance

Dispute in inheritance Question Kindly provide clarification and a suitable solution on the following matter…

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Assets of deceased with no heirs

Assets of deceased with no heirs

Assets of deceased with no heirs Question An amānat money was left for safekeeping. The…

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Will for son and daughter

Will for son and daughter

Will for son and daughter Question If someone writes a will for example 5000 pounds…

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