Islamic Portal

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Zakat for revert to perform Umrah

Zakat for revert to perform Umrah

Zakat for revert to perform ʿUmrah Question Can Zakat be spent on a new-Muslim to…

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Eid Salah with extra Takbirs in Haramayn

Eid Salah with extra Takbirs in Haramayn

Eid Ṣalāh in Ḥaramayn with extra Takbīrs Question Do we perform Eid Ṣalāh in Makkah…

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Credit Card Balance Transfer Fee

Credit Card Balance Transfer Fee

Credit Card Balance Transfer Fee Question If you have a 0% credit card and you…

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Use of funds collected in Masjid for youth programmes

Use of funds collected in Masjid for youth programmes

Use of funds collected in Masjid for youth programmes Question In the UK, Masjids routinely…

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Congregational Tahajjud Salah in Ramadan

Congregational Tahajjud Salah in Ramadan

Congregational Tahajjud Ṣalāh in Ramadan Question We understand from the overview of your book on…

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Benzyl alcohol in Calpol

Benzyl alcohol in Calpol

Benzyl alcohol in Calpol Question Calpol (the famous medicine for children) has Benzyl alcohol therein.…

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Private healthcare and Medicare surcharge in Australia

Private healthcare and Medicare surcharge in Australia

Private healthcare and Medicare surcharge in Australia Question If a family in New South Wales…

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Hanafi evidence of the Eid Takbir

Hanafi evidence of the Eid Takbir

Ḥanafī evidence of the Eid Takbīr Question What is the evidence of the Takbīr of…

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Taqwiyatul Iman by Shah Ismail Shahid

Taqwiyatul Iman by Shah Ismail Shahid

Taqwiyatul Īmān by Shāh Ismāʿīl Shahīd Question What is your view regarding Taqwiyatul Īmān by…

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An Expositive Treatise on the Six Fasts of Shawwal (selected points)

An Expositive Treatise on the Six Fasts of Shawwal (selected points)

An Expositive Treatise on the Six Fasts of Shawwal (selected points) The following are selected…

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