Islamic Portal

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What should you do with Qurbani meat and should you eat the liver first

What should you do with Qurbani meat and should you eat the liver first

What should a person do with his Qurbānī meat? Is it Sunnah to eat the…

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Important Clarification Regarding Qurbani

Important Clarification Regarding Qurbani

Important Clarification Regarding Qurbānī There is a message circulating on social media that suggests that…

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Hadith Query – Decorating the Masjids and Adorning the Mushafs

Hadith Query – Decorating the Masjids and Adorning the Mushafs

Is the following Ḥadīth reliable: إذا زخرفتم مساجدكم وحليتم مصاحفكم فالدمار عليكم When you decorate…

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Hadith Query One day’s fever expiates a years sins

Hadith Query One day’s fever expiates a years sins

What is the status of the ḥadīth: “One day’s fever expiates a year’s sins”? بسم…

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Hadith Query: Peak of intellect after faith is compassion

Hadith Query: Peak of intellect after faith is compassion

Ḥadīth query: Peak of intellect after faith is compassion Question Is the following ḥadīth reliable:…

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Iftar Duas Timing

Iftar Duas Timing

Ifṭār Duʿāʾ Timing Question We have read on your website on the following link that the…

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What should a Muslim student study? By Imam Ibn al-Sunni

What should a Muslim student study? By Imam Ibn al-Sunni

What should a Muslim student study? By Imam Ibn al-Sunnī (d. 364/975) بسم الله الرحمن…

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Allamah Lakhnawis view on the language of Jumuah sermon

Allamah Lakhnawis view on the language of Jumuah sermon

ʿAllāmah Muḥammad ʿAbd al-Ḥayy Laknawi’s view on Jumuʿah Khuṭbah language Language of Jumuʿah Sermon By…

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Friday Sermon Sultan Hadith Query

Friday Sermon Sultan Hadith Query

Friday Sermon Sultan Ḥadīth Query Question Many Imams refer to a Sultan in their Friday…

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8 Days in Sierra Leone

8 Days in Sierra Leone

8 Days in Sierra Leone The following is a daily account of Shaykh Yusuf Shabbir’s…

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