Islamic Portal

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Can a car dealer refer customers to finance company

Can a car dealer refer customers to finance company

Can a car dealer refer customers to finance company? Question I am a car trader.…

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Wearing Good Clothes for Delegations

Wearing Good Clothes for Delegations

Wearing Good Clothes for Delegations Question Is there any basis for wearing good clothes when…

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Husband demands share from wife’s salary

Husband demands share from wife’s salary

Husband demands share from wife’s salary Question If a woman works and earns a salary,…

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Eating forgetfully during Salah

Eating forgetfully during Salah

Eating forgetfully during Ṣalāh Question Is the Ṣalāh of a person valid who ate something…

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Congratulations for new parents

Congratulations for new parents

Congratulations for new parents Question Is there any masnūn supplication when congratulating the parent of…

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Salah on the Plane

Salah on the Plane

Ṣalāh on the plane Question Should the Ṣalāh that is performed on the plane be…

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Hadith query: Wings of angels spread over Sham

Hadith query: Wings of angels spread over Sham

Ḥadīth query: Wings of angels spread over Shām Question It is mentioned in a ḥadīth…

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Is Mahram a condition of Hajj being obligatory or a condition of performance

Is Mahram a condition of Hajj being obligatory or a condition of performance

Is Maḥram a condition of Hajj being obligatory or a condition of performance? Question A…

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Pork and Previous Nations

Pork and Previous Nations

Pork and Previous Nations Question Is it true that pork was permissible to consume during…

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Sons of our beloved Prophet Muhammad

Sons of our beloved Prophet Muhammad

Sons of our beloved Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ Question It is mentioned in Khuṭubāt Sīrah Ṭayyibah…

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