One third in Wasiyyah after debts

One third in Wasiyyah after debts

One third in Waṣiyyah after debts


Someone is diagnosed with Coronavirus and urgently requires advice. The one third bequest, is it in a person’s total assets at the point of demise or is it in his assets that remain after his debts and funeral costs are subtracted?

(For Q&As, guidance & articles regarding Covid-19, click here)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


The one third is in what remains after the debts and funeral costs are subtracted. In reality, the remainder is his total assets.

قال الفخر الزيلعي في التبيين (٦/٢٣٠): ثم تنفذ وصيته من ثلث ما بقي بعد التجهيز والدين، انتهى. وقال الحصكفي في الدر المختار (٦/٧٦١): (من ثلث ما بقي) بعد تجهيزه وديونه، انتهى۔

Allah know best

Yusuf Shabbir

19 Shaʿbān 1441 / 13 April 2020

Approved by: Mufti Shabbir Ahmad and Mufti Muhammad Tahir