Compensation for diesel car emission scandal

Compensation for diesel car emission scandal

Compensation for diesel car emission scandal


When I purchased my vehicle, I bought it in good faith, given the assurances by Audi. It later transpired that they and other manufacturers had deceived buyers, which resulted in a major scandal, and these companies were fined heavily. My vehicle was recalled, and they did some remedial work. I also made a claim through a law firm representing many other owners. The claim has been successful, and I and others are being offered compensation? Is this permissible for me to take?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم


It is permissible for you take the compensation being offered to you in lieu of the misrepresentation and deception and the damage caused as a result of this.

قال محمد في الأصل (٢/٤٩٠): ولو اشترى ثوبا فصبغه بعصفر أو زعفران أو قطعه قميصا أو قباء ولم يخطه بعد، ثم وجد به عيبا، كان له أن يرجع بفضل ما بينهما. قال (٢/٤٩٥): وكل شيء ينقص في الثمن من الرقيق والدواب والإبل والبقر فهو عيب. وقال في الجامع الصغير (ص ٣٥٢): وإن اشترى ثوبا فصبغه أحمر ثم وجد به عيبا رجع بنقصان العيب، انتهى. وقال القدوري في مختصره (ص ٨٢): وإذا حدث عند المشتري عيب ثم اطلع على عيب كان عند البائع، فله أن يرجع بنقصان العيب، ولا يرد المبيع إلا أن يرضى البائع أن يأخذه بعيبه، انتهى۔

Allah knows best

Yusuf Shabbir

15 Dhū al-Ḥijjah 1444 / 3 July 2023

Approved by: Mufti Shabbir Ahmed and Mufti Muhammad Tahir