
Friday Sermon Sultan Hadith Query

Friday Sermon Sultan Hadith Query

Friday Sermon Sultan Ḥadīth Query Question Many Imams refer to a Sultan in their Friday…

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Completing the Quran on 27th night of Ramadan

Completing the Quran on 27th night of Ramadan

Completing the Qurʾān on 27th night of Ramaḍān Question Is there any basis for completing…

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Ramadan – Useful Information

Ramadan – Useful Information

RAMADAN - USEFUL INFORMATION AND LINKS The following is a collection of the titles with…

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Intention for Witr Salah in Haramayn

Intention for Witr Salah in Haramayn

Intention for Witr Ṣalāh in Ḥaramayn Question I have read your in-depth article regarding Witr Ṣalāh…

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Congregational Tahajjud Salah in Ramadan Book Query

Congregational Tahajjud Salah in Ramadan Book Query

Congregational Tahajjud Ṣalāh in Ramaḍān Book Query Question I have read your latest book الوضاحة…

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Supplication after Witr Salah

Supplication after Witr Salah

Supplication after Witr Ṣalāh Question Is it Sunnah to read سُبْحَانَ الْمَلِكِ الْقُدُّوْسِ three times after Witr…

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Tarawih Salah Time

Tarawih Salah Time

Tarāwīh Ṣalāh Time Question Someone recently told me that in the opinion of some Ḥanafī…

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Witr Salah in Makkah and Madinah

Witr Salah in Makkah and Madinah

Witr Ṣalāh in Makkah and Madīnah Question When we visit Makkah and Madīnah in Ramaḍān,…

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Hadith Query: Virtue of Salah with Turban

Hadith Query: Virtue of Salah with Turban

Ḥadīth Query: Virtue of Ṣalāh with Turban Question Is it true that performing Ṣalāh with…

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Sajdah Tilawah in obligatory Salah

Sajdah Tilawah in obligatory Salah

Sajdah Tilāwah in Obligatory Ṣalāh Question Is it permissible for an Imam to recite a…

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