
Is it mustahab to eat dates in Suhur?

Is it mustahab to eat dates in Suhur?

Is it mustaḥab to eat dates in Suḥūr? Question Is it mustaḥab (desirable) to eat…

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Zakat on investment properties

Zakat on investment properties

Zakat on investment properties Question (1) Is there Zakat on properties bought with the intention…

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Surah Ikhlas 200 times or one Juz Quran

Surah Ikhlas 200 times or one Juz Quran

Sūrah Ikhlās 200 times or one Juz Quran Question Is it better for a person…

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Planting shrubs and twigs on graves

Planting shrubs and twigs on graves

Planting shrubs and twigs on graves Question Is it permissible to plant trees or shrubs…

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Does Pain Relief Gel nullify the fast?

Does Pain Relief Gel nullify the fast?

Does Pain Relief Gel nullify the fast? Question If a pain relief gel is used…

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No money to discharge Zakat

No money to discharge Zakat

No money to discharge Zakat Question Zakat is necessary upon a person. However, he does…

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Is the Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine Halal?

Is the Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine Halal?

Is the Pfizer BioNTech Covid-19 Vaccine Halal? Question The UK Government has announced that the…

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Missing Tarawih Salah due to valid excuse

Missing Tarawih Salah due to valid excuse

Missing Tarāwīḥ Ṣalāh due to valid excuse Question Is it sinful for a person to…

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Advance Zakat calculation query

Advance Zakat calculation query

Advance Zakat calculation query Question My Zakat anniversary is 1st Ramadan. I have £6000 of…

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Fainting whilst fasting

Fainting whilst fasting

Fainting whilst fasting Question If a person faints for an hour whilst fasting and is…

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