
Hadith Regarding Virtue of Avoiding Quarrelling

Hadith Regarding Virtue of Avoiding Quarrelling

Ḥadīth regarding virtue of avoiding quarrelling Question Is there a Hadith that promises Paradise for…

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Addressing the husband with his name

Addressing the husband with his name

Is it desirable for a wife to address her husband with his name? This is…

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Authenticity and meaning of the greater and smaller Jihad narration

Authenticity and meaning of the greater and smaller Jihad narration

Jihad is generally split into two categories: Jihad Akbar (Greater Jihad) and Jihad Asghar (Smaller…

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The Chapter Of Kusoof From Sahih Al-Bukhari – Hadrat Mufti Shabbir Ahmed Sahib

The Chapter Of Kusoof From Sahih Al-Bukhari – Hadrat Mufti Shabbir Ahmed Sahib

التشريحات النافعة باللغة الإنجليزية على أبواب صلوة الكسوف من صحيح البخاري محتويا على إفادات المفتي…

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Should the Imam recite the Qur’an loudly or quietly in Salatul Kusoof?

Should the Imam recite the Qur’an loudly or quietly in Salatul Kusoof?

Salatul Kusoof is the prayer for the solar eclipse. It is Sunnah to offer the…

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What is the ruling and virtue of performing Tahiyyatul Masjid?

What is the ruling and virtue of performing Tahiyyatul Masjid?

Taḥiyyah al-Masjid Question What is the ruling and virtue of performing Taḥiyyah al-Masjid? Answer بسم…

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Recitation of 20 Surahs in Tahajjud

Recitation of 20 Surahs in Tahajjud

Recitation of 20 Sūrahs in Tahajjud Ṣalāh and reciting Qurʾān slowly Question I recently heard…

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What is the ruling and virtue of performing Tahiyyatul Wudhu?

What is the ruling and virtue of performing Tahiyyatul Wudhu?

Taḥiyyah al-Wuḍūʾ Question What is the ruling and virtue of performing Taḥiyyah al-Wuḍūʾ? Answer بسم…

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Duration between the Adhan and Iqamah of Maghrib Salah

Duration between the Adhan and Iqamah of Maghrib Salah

التبيان في الفصل بعد الأذان: تحقیق أنیق في الفصل بین الأذانین في المغرب والتطوع بینهما…

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Hadith Regarding 80 Durood On Friday After Asr Salah

Hadith Regarding 80 Durood On Friday After Asr Salah

التحقیق الجلي في الصلوة علي النبي صلي الله عليه وسلم بعد صلوۃ العصر من یوم…

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