
Friday Sermon Sultan Hadith Query

Friday Sermon Sultan Hadith Query

Friday Sermon Sultan Ḥadīth Query Question Many Imams refer to a Sultan in their Friday…

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Completing the Quran on 27th night of Ramadan

Completing the Quran on 27th night of Ramadan

Completing the Qurʾān on 27th night of Ramaḍān Question Is there any basis for completing…

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Dua when giving Zakah

Dua when giving Zakah

Duʿāʾ when giving Zakah Question Is there any duʿāʾ to be read by a person…

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Where is the grave of Fatima (May Allah be pleased with her)

Where is the grave of Fatima (May Allah be pleased with her)

The scholars have differing views regarding the location of the grave of the beloved daughter…

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Ramadan – Useful Information

Ramadan – Useful Information

RAMADAN - USEFUL INFORMATION AND LINKS The following is a collection of the titles with…

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Query regarding menstruating woman unable to perform ‘umrah due to limited stay in saudi arabia

Query regarding menstruating woman unable to perform ‘umrah due to limited stay in saudi arabia

Query regarding menstruating woman unable to perform ʿUmrah due to limited stay in Saudi Arabia…

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Iftar Dua Query

Iftar Dua Query

Ifṭār Duʿāʾ Query Question Your article regarding Ifṭār duʿās does not mention the common duʿāʾ: اللهم…

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Adhan and Iqamah for Newborn Child

Adhan and Iqamah for Newborn Child

Adhān and Iqāmah for Newborn Child Question I have a question about your article on…

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[Book Release] Kitab al-Arbain Fil Adhan

[Book Release] Kitab al-Arbain Fil Adhan

THE BOOK Kitāb al-Arba’īn Fil Adhān is a unique collection of 42 narrations regarding the…

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Imam Abu Dawud’s View Regarding Amr Ibn Thabit

Imam Abu Dawud’s View Regarding Amr Ibn Thabit

The following document in Arabic provides insight into the views of Imam Abu Dawud regarding…

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