Islamic Portal

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Should 10-year-old child remove pubic hair?

Should 10-year-old child remove pubic hair?

Should 10-year-old child remove pubic hair? Question When should one encourage their child to remove…

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Burial of stillborn baby in mixed graveyard

Burial of stillborn baby in mixed graveyard

Burial of stillborn baby in mixed graveyard Question There is a designated area for all…

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Translation of quote of Abu Dharr

Translation of quote of Abu Dharr

Translation of quote of Abū Dharr (may Allah be pleased with him) Question How would…

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Can Mutakif exit Masjid for Friday bath?

Can Mutakif exit Masjid for Friday bath?

Can Muʿtakif exit Masjid for Friday bath? Question Can a Muʿtakif (person in Iʿtikaf) exit…

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Zakat for Oxygen Cylinders and Ventilators

Zakat for Oxygen Cylinders and Ventilators

Zakat for Oxygen Cylinders and Ventilators Question Can Zakat funds be used to purchase oxygen…

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Covid-19 and Itikaf

Covid-19 and Itikaf

Covid-19 and Iʿtikāf Question If someone is required to break their masnūn Iʿtikāf in the…

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Does Diabetes Prick Test break ablution?

Does Diabetes Prick Test break ablution?

Does Diabetes Prick Test break ablution? Question If someone has a diabetes prick test regularly,…

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Keratin Treatment and Ghusl and Wudu

Keratin Treatment and Ghusl and Wudu

Keratin Treatment and Ghusl and Wuḍū Question If someone has extremely curly hair and they…

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Inheritance shares for daughters and sisters

Inheritance shares for daughters and sisters

Inheritance shares for daughters and sisters Question A deceased has left behind 3 daughters and…

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Zakat for poor scholar who owns hundreds of books

Zakat for poor scholar who owns hundreds of books

Zakat for poor scholar who owns hundreds of books Question A religious scholar who is…

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