
Is Asr Salah Valid on Mithl Awwal according to the Ulama of Deoband

Is Asr Salah Valid on Mithl Awwal according to the Ulama of Deoband

اکابر علماء دیوبند کے نزدیک مثل اول میں نماز عصر صحیح ہوگی یا نہیں؟ A…

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Qiyam for one who cannot do Rukoo and Sujood

Qiyam for one who cannot do Rukoo and Sujood

The following is a brief article in Urdu regarding the ruling of Qiyam for someone…

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Change in direction for Mosque

Change in direction for Mosque

Source: Asian Image Reporter, Wednesday 7th May 2008 A Mosque has changed the direction in…

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What is the Sunnah Qirā’ah for the Friday prayers?

What is the Sunnah Qirā’ah for the Friday prayers?

بسم الله الرحمن الرحیم There are three combinations that have been transmitted from the practice…

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Salah Whilst Travelling

Salah Whilst Travelling

Question I was recently informed that occasionally the Prophet ﷺ, whilst travelling, prayed the full…

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